Sunday, November 9, 2008

New to this

Wow this is cool, I have never done this before so here goes. I have been reading other's blogs like crazy so why not try my own?

My name is Shelli and I am the mother to 5 children and 3 step-children. My oldest TJ is 17 almost 18 (can't believe it!), Tanner is 13, Tori is 11, Ty is 2 and Princess Tawni is 11 months.
Jeannette is 15, Joey is 11, and Jacob is 9.

Our little Tawni is our icing to the cake, she had all kinds of surprises for us. For one her, we weren't expecting to have another one we really thought that 7 was plenty but here she came next to find out she was a girl and then next to find out she has Down Syndrome boy was that the big surprise! PTL she has a good heart, good hearing, and everything else seems to be good, she does have to take a laxative daily and she seems to get the croup pretty easily. This past year has been different to say the least, mostly because of my own pity parties and accepting everything. She is so precious though and has been the best mild mannered baby, God knew exactly what I needed!

These past couple of months have been so exciting to watch her grow, she can finally sit up good and play with toys, she is even trying so hard to crawl, she is doing a great job and she can really go if there is one of her brother's toys that she wants, lol!

Today was a big step for me, I moved her bed out of our room and into her own room, so let's just see how much sleep I get tonight, not to mention when she woke up from her nap she has that stupid croupy cough again, I guess there will be a dr's visit in store for us tomorrow.

Anyways, this has been fun and will write more tomorrow.